Sunday, February 16, 2020

Quotes from my book "Hymns.Facebook"

Quotes from my book "Hymns.Facebook"

1. It is said that one individual is worth a nation. Caring for the individuals of any nation forms a homeland of creative people. Disaster happens when the creative person is excluded and all hope is pinned on a nation lost in the clouds.

2. Some walk along with multitudes of people without any specific objectives in life. While it is true that all roads eventually lead to the grave, isn’t the immortality of one achievement enough to lessen the shock of death?

3. Some people fall in the trap of misunderstanding the text, perhaps due to inability to think or perhaps due to stupidity, and then they make judgments according to such understanding. Only then does dispute start and fail to end. Will ye then consider not?

4. What could possibly be the sacred purpose of killing? For what purpose are human lives taken? How ugly it is that a human being holds cheap the life of another human being. Oh Human, there you are, going back to the primitive savage you started out as.

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